Love, Art and Economy

International Conference on

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14-15 February 2024

Dear researchers,
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Love, Art and Economy (LAE2024), which will be held online on 14-15 February 2024. The International Conference on Love, Art and Economy offers an opportunity to discuss together scientific and artistic studies on the interactions of love, arts and economy. We invite scientists, artists, researchers, doctoral students and representatives of non-governmental organizations interested in the subject of the conference to participate in the conference.

The conference will be held online. All conference presentations will also be broadcast live on YouTube. Papers can be submitted to the conference in English and Turkish. English abstract and keywords are mandatory for Turkish papers.

Participation in the conference is free, but only those who want to publish in the journal or editorial books will pay the publication fee.

All papers submitted to the Organizing Committee and related to the conference topic will be subject to mandatory double-blind peer review, in accordance with international criteria and standards, with the participation of at least two members of the scientific committee and (if necessary) other independent referees. Abstracts of accepted articles will be published as ebooks with ISBN by Holistence Publications. Full text articles can be published in editorial books upon request of the authors. Additionally, at the request of the authors, their articles can be published in specialized Holistence Academy journals with an international citation index after the positive evaluation of the referees. All information about the conference is available on the Holistence Academy website:

We are honored to invite you to our Conference on behalf of our organizing committee.

Best wishes…

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Prof.Dr. Mehmet ŞAHİN

President of Conference

Take your place in this unique event.